

  WHICH ALL GIFTS HAVE CEASED TO EXIST? (A summarised article of the position defended by Samuel E. Waldron) Summary There are No Apostles of Christ on Earth today There are no Living Prophets on earth today There are no Tongue Speakers on earth today There are No Apostles of Christ on Earth Today The term “apostles of Christ” is to be distinguished from missionaries, aka “apostles of the churches,” which is a different office. Only “apostles of Christ” are no longer among us. Example: Philippians 2:25: “I supposed it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus …. your messenger [literally means “your apostle”]” Let us call the “Apostles of Christ” as 1st category apostles, while the apostles of the churches as 2nd category apostles. To be an Apostle of Christ was itself a gift to the church, and the foremost of the gifts. 1 Corinthians 12:28-31; Ephesians 4:8-11 – Christ gave gifts to men, among them apostles. 1 Corinthians 12:27-30: “ Now you are the body of Christ and in...

Can Infants be Baptized?

Introduction This article examines the view of infant baptism that is held by some of our brothers and sisters in Christ (e.g. Presbyterian, CSI…). This work does not deal with the Roman Catholic version of infant baptism. The writer holds on to the believer’s baptism. Defining the terms : Credo-Baptists: those who believe that only those who exercise faith in Christ Jesus should be baptized. Paedo-Baptists: those who believe that the infants of the believing parents should be baptized. Starting on the common ground First of all, both agree in the principle of sola scriptura and that the Scripture is the standard for all our actions and beliefs. The question we are discussing will be “according to the Scripture, should infants be baptized?” Secondly, both believe that everyone who believes in Christ should be baptized. Therefore, the question is not primarily about the importance of baptism. Further, both are one in asserting that a person, who is a child of unbelieving parents,...


  Topics discussed : ·         Original Sin Nature ·         Imputed Sin ·         Federal Headship of Adam and Christ ·         Passages that are often Mistaken as Rejecting Original Sin and Federal Headship of Adam ALL THE CHILDREN OF ADAM ARE BORN AS A SINNER DOCTRINE OF ORIGINAL SIN : Original sin refers to the sinful nature [1] with which all the children of Adam are born. We are not sinners because we sin; rather, we sin because we are sinners. “The original sin that we are all born with manifests itself throughout our lives in actual sins--the actions, thoughts, and feelings we have that violate God's moral commands.” [2] SCRIPTURAL PROOFS : Psalms 58:3 : “The wicked are estranged from the womb ; they go astray from birth, speaking lies .” Job 15:14 : “ What is man, that he can be pure? Or he who is born of a woman, th...

Baptism and Salvation (A Critique of Baptismal Regeneration)

  Scope of this article : ·        It is a critique of the doctrine of baptismal regeneration and baptismal justification. ·        Mode of baptism (sprinkling, immersion) is not the scope of this article. ·        “Infant baptism or believer’s baptism?” is not the direct scope of this article . Regeneration precedes Baptism Consider the following passages: Romans 8:7, 8 : “For the mind that is set on the flesh is  hostile to God , for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot . Those who are in the flesh cannot please God .” ·        Those who are in the flesh cannot please God . They are at war against God (hostile to God). It cannot submit to God’s law. ·        Ask the question: Is baptism pleasing to God? Is desiring to be baptised pleasing to God? Of course it is. It is his command. Obeying i...